Sunday, May 10, 2009

That's So China: Taxi or Formula One?

I'm usually a cheapskate about transportation here and insist on taking buses whenever possible, but we were running late, so we took a taxi to church. You never quite know what you are getting yourself into when you get a taxi here. The drivers range from the rare careful driver, to the more common race-car-driver-wanna-be. Today was one of the latter. He grunted when I told him the directions, which I've found to be a sign of a fast driver, and, sure enough, he sped through red lights most of the way (Moral dilemma: When you're late for church, is it okay to hope the driver runs red lights?). We're so used to this kind of thing that none of us flinch or even notice anymore when breaking the traffic laws. I don't even cringe when driving in the path of an oncoming bus. All to be expected here.

This guy, however, was notable because he had been smoking before he picked us up, and so he thoughtfully held his cigarette out the window with his left hand while he steered and changed gears with his right. It sounds impressive, but the prize for the most skillful taxi driver I've experienced goes to the guy who used his left hand to talk on his cell phone, while his right hand held his wallet, and still managed to steer and shift gears. Imagine the admiration I felt when this same driver shot the gap to pass a long line of cars, and just made it back into the right lane in time to avoid the oncoming traffic.

I do have other favorite rides, though, that are on the other end of the spectrum. There's the chatty woman driver, I've ridden with her twice, who when I tell her directions, repeats them over and over, asks me for confirmation, and thanks me profusely. She says a whole lot of other things to me, while I nod and pretend like I understand her. Another guy I've ridden with more than once played easy-listening music and drove at an even, leisurely pace, obeying all traffic rules. I felt like I'd just had a good 15 minutes of meditation after getting out of his cab. Of course, I must have jinxed it by telling him, "See you again," because I haven't seen him since. Another memorable driver hacked and spit out the window with great gusto for most of the drive. This skill still enables the driver to use both hands to maneuver the car, so all in all I considered it a good ride.

So, whether it's driving with one hand, sqeaking through an intersection by just missing the cross traffic, or hocking a juicy loogie, I have to hand it to the taxi drivers here: they're one talented bunch.


sierrajojo said...

Taking taxi in China is so dangerous, it is lucky or unlucky you get a "safe" driver. Two years ago, one of my team member got kill in a traffic accident. He was work overtime, jump on a taxi. The taxi has an accident with a bus at a traffic light. Both taxi driver and him got killed. He just graduated from university and only start work 3 weeks ago (did not even get his paycheck yet).

I preferred driving myself, at least I could control the wheel.It took me six months before I dare to drive to the town center.

Yesterday I just saw foreigner end up in an accident at JingJiHu Avenue (airport road). I think they knock a scooter, they Chinese lady driver refuse to get up and the foreigner are trying to get her off the road.

Dangerous ... :o

BTW, I am also a foreigner working in Suzhou (Malaysian Chinese), been here for 3 year and will continue to do so.

mom of fab five said...

and i thought the drivers in Mexico were bad--i would be a major stress ball in those situations--are there many accidents? or do they expect everyone to drive that crazy and they have learned to avoid each other? Craziness--one more thing to look forward to when we come see you--(i am hoping)

sierrajojo said...

Basically people here drive a car like they are "riding a bicycle".

They always assume ---> a collision will not kill.

There is accident everyday, there is people kill everyday in car accident, yet it is also the same at German AutoBahn.

When you are in China, watch before you cross the road (even if there is a zebra crossing), No car will stop for you.

I used to stop whenever I am someone is crossing the zebra line, however I now follow the local, I will just drive pass (but I do slow down).

The Arizona Anachronism said...


You are exactly right, and in fact, Lee herself (this blogger/my wife) some time ago came up with that exact description of Chinese drivers, that they "drive cars as if they were bicycles".